Why Did My Credit Card Payment Fail?
Payment with credit card may fail because of bank authorization and fraud prevention systems. If you are having trouble making a payment via Credit Card, you may contact your card issuing bank or PayPal directly.
How Do I Know It Is Safe To Shop With You?
Lagute.com takes great pride in offering a safe and secure online shopping experience. The website is served 100% over HTTPS. We also respect your privacy and we're committed to protecting it. All transactions are processed securely by Shopify Payment or PayPal's payment gateways. We never save your credit card information in any form.
How Can I Contact Lagute.Com For Additional Assistance?
Don't hesitate to email our customer service support@lagute.com for any questions.
Why Am I Unable To Track My Order?
It can sometimes take 24-48 hours or so for tracking information to update once an order has shipped from our warehouse.
Occasionally, a package may not receive the proper origin and transit scans while on its journey to you, so neither us nor express is able to track the exact location of the package in transit.
Please email us if you do not receive your order by the end of the quoted time frame. Please note that orders shipping via UPS can be delivered as late as 9:00pm local time in some areas.
Taxes, Customs & Duties
Currently we only ship to US-based customers by default. If you're living in other countries, please contact us first before purchase and also be noticed that the package could be checked by your country's customs office for duty or VAT. But Lagute will be happy to go fifty-fifty with our customers on these charges. Customer is our most valued, and we try our best to reduce customer’s cost when shopping with us.